Influencers Blog

1) What years did YouTube, Twitter and Instagram launch?

YouTube - 2005 - 18 years ago 
Twitter - 2006 - 17 years ago
Instagram - 2010 - 13 years ago 

2) What is the definition of an influencer?

An influencer is someone who is able to persuade a lot of other people, for example their followers on social media, to do, buy, or use the same things that they do.

3) Give an example of an influencer and how many followers they have. Try and add some additional information, brand associations or other statistics if you can.

Zoella - YouTube 10.6 mill+ , with a net worth of 4 million .
she has Collab and had many many brand deals she has even published a lot of her own books one  called 'girl online' 

4) How big is the influencer industry according to the article? 
taken from the article - Very , By the end of 2019, the influencer marketing industry was worth some $8bn a year. 

5) What are the problems associated with being an influencer?

Even though you choose this lifestyle you will have no privacy or time for yourself most of your life will be on record , you can also be hated by the industries .  

6) Why is it suggested that audiences actually like being sold products by influencers?

Because it feels as if you own something of theirs you are apart of them and it feels special

7) What representation of beauty is often found on Instagram or other influencer sites?

8) What is YOUR opinion on influencers? Are they a positive or negative influence on our society and culture? Why? 

In my opinion, I believe that influencers can have both a huge positive and a negative impact among society and culture,this purely because they can help you engage way more in your culture and they can share stuff about it that maybe you never knew about. But at the same time some influencers give a very negative impact on life and thats not good especially for their younger viewers who look up to them an want to be just like them
