Gender representation in advertising

 Gender representation in advertising blog task:

The General Electric Roll-Easy vacuum was meant to make vacuuming more efficient and easy to use. The ad is clearly targeted towards housewives, who the advertisers assumed would be doing all the domestic chores like vacuuming. In addition this assumption, the ad also follows the trend of advertising easier and more efficient products for women, since it was assumed they did not have the strength or mental capabilities to handle more physically straining or complex products that were usually marketed towards men, such as automobiles.
This advertisement assumes gender stereotypes for both husbands and wives. It makes it clear that the husband will buy the car, but for some reason also markets towards women. This is because the car in the advertisement was an automatic transmission car, which was considered to be more female friendly and more aesthetically pleasing. While implying that women could only work a car with simple functions, it also suggests that man could not want automatic transmission cars only for themselves because they were considered “labor-saving devices” that gender roles dictated men should not want or need. So this advertisement markets itself towards pleasing the wife so the husband has a reason to buy the automobile while still conforming to gender norms of the 1950s.

in this ad its very sexist and tells us that woman cant leave the kitchen and its their job to be in the kitchen to cook and clean all day. then there is a man in a suit outside the window maybe he just came from work and is about to go inside whereas the woman is already inside maybe washing dishes? we can infer this because her outfit is something you would wear if your cleaning we cant really tell from behind but maybe what she is wearing is an apron possibly. Women were made out to be completely dependent on their husbands and expected to be nothing more than a housewife, as after all, according to Drummond Sweaters Indoors, women are useful’.  In fact, Hoover suggested all a woman would ever want for Christmas is a Hoover. A word to the wise, they wouldn’t!

in this advert they are saying that this is not the 'correct' shape for a woman but there is no pecific shape a woman or man should be built they are saying woman should be a certain shape and size which is wrong 

in this advert there is
 a black and white, svelte-yet-curvy, fair-haired and fair-skinned woman in a bright yellow bikini. Her hair is long and lush, her lips full, and her waist is tiny. Next to her is the simple question: Are you beach body ready?

The question is almost immediately followed by the introduction of “the weight loss collection”. As if to suggest you probably are not beach body ready, and that clearly the step to remedy that involves losing weight.

This Burger King advertisement is portraying a not so subliminal message to it’ audience. Burger King is trying to sell its new “Super Seven Incher” in this ad, however the design of this could be called into question.

There are both phallic symbols and yonic symbols in this ad. The woman’s mouth in the picture is almost circular and the “Super Seven Incher” has a triangular shape pointed towards the circle. Thus, it gives this advertisement a subliminal message.

The caption of this advertisement could also be interpreted as being a subliminal message. “It’ll Blow Your Mind Away”. That caption paired with the picture of the woman and the sandwich could be taken in a ‘wrong way’. This advertisement is basically portraying a sexual act to capture the attention of its targeted audience.  

How do your chosen adverts suggest representations of gender have changed over the last 60 years? 

I think that these adverts have gotten better but it could be way better even though stereotype isn't as bad as it was before it is still pretty bad and a lot of people are still stereotyped on base on how they look  i personally feel as if it is important that we treat others the way we would like to be treated and it isn't fair for some people at all!
